
CZUR Fancy document scanner review

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This is my review of the new CZUR Fancy, a price conscious version of the higher end CZUR Pro scanner that I use and love for my vintage documentation scans. It also doubles up as a livestream cam. CZUR provided the scanner for free, so that counts as a sponsored video. Below is the link with the sponsored description, and also links to some scans I made in the video.

3 IN 1, 4k Document Camera-Fancy S Pro, please get it at CZUR's official store: shop.czur.com/products/czur-fancy-pro

Link to example scans:
HP 5061A Cesium Clock Manual Changes: archive.org/details/hp-5061-a-change-manual
HP 6267B Power Supply Manual: archive.org/details/hp-6267-b-operation-and-servic…

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