Making Tempura 〜天ぷら〜 #Shorts | easy Japanese home cooking recipe
For more detailed version, please check out the main video on Tempura:
• How to cook TEMPURA 🍤 〜天ぷら〜 | easy J...
In my Channel, I show authentic but alternative Japanese home cooking, which can be make with the ingredients available outside of Japan.
Possible Ingredients for Tempura
Sea food:
fish, shellfish, prawns, scallops, squid/calamari, octopus etc.
Asparagus, broccoli, carrot, corn, eggplant, green beans, lotus roots, all mushrooms, okra, onion, paprica, pumpkin (squash), shishito peppers, sweet potatos, zucchini etc.
Tempura Batter
Egg 1
Water (w/ ice cubes) 200 ml
Flour 200 ml (4/5 cups)
Baking powder 1/2 Tsp
Tare/Ten-tsuyu (Dashi sauce)
Water 4 Tbsp
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp
Mirin 1 Tbsp
(or Sugar 1 Tsp)
Sake 1 Tbsp
Dashi powder 1/2 Tsp