Seemaraja | Onnavitta Yaarum Yenakilla Video Song | Sivakarthikeyan, Samantha | Ponram | D Imman
#Seemaraja | #OnnavittaYaarumYenakilla Video Song | 24AM Studios | #Sivakarthikeyan #Samantha | #DImman
#Seemaraja is a 2018 Indian Tamil language action comedy drama film written and directed by #Ponram and produced by #RDRaja. The film stars #Sivakarthikeyan and #Samantha Akkineni in the lead roles, with a supporting cast including #Napoleon, #Simran and #Soori. The film features music composed by #DImman and cinematography by Balasubramaniem. Producer R.D. Raja is collaborating with Sivakarthikeyan for the third time.
#Muzik247TamilLatest #ClimaxSong #Climaxvideo #IraivaIraiva #TamilMovie #Tamilsong #TamilNewMovie #PDdancing #PrabhuDeva #directorVijay #Lakshmi #LakshmiMusicVideo #Lakshmimovie #PrabhuDevaDance #PrabhuDevaMaster, #DanceFestival, #Indiandance #DancingFestival #Dancecompetition #ChidrensDancecompetition #GirlDancing #DancingVideo #directorVijayMovie, #DancemasterPrabhuDeva #SAMCS #SAMCSMusic #AishwaryaRajesh #TridentArts #LatestMovie #InternationMusic #InternationalDancecompetition
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