The Complete Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Combo Guide (Best And Easy Combos And Setups)
In this Dragon Ball Sparking Zero combo guide, I teach you the best and easiest practical combos that you can apply in your matches. With this tutorial, you'll be a pro in at combing in Sparking Zero in no time. I provide notation for all of the combos and talk about how you can turn your opponent around so you can combo and backshot them easier.
By the way, here is my Complete Dragon Ball Sparking Zero Defense Guide (Sonic Sway, Super Counter SECRET, And More!): • The Complete Dragon Ball Sparking Zer...
#sparkingzero #dragonballsparkingzero #gameguide
00:00 Biblical Backshots
01:22 The Classic 5-5 High
02:00 The 55 45 Mix Up
03:29 The Grab Daddy
04:42 The Grab Daddy Razzle Dazzle (Flair Combo)
05:24 The Grab Daddy Razzle Dazzle Blast (Flair Combo)
05:42 The Ezpz 5-5-5
06:08 The Furious 7
06:35 The Flex
08:52 The Utility Combo
09:29 Side Vanish/Teleport
10:25 Z Burst Dash
11:14 Rolling Hammer
11:53 Acrobatics