
오픈런만 벌써 N번째👍 꾸덕 촉촉 인생 크림빵 먹방 ASMRㅣ디저트 초콜릿 쿠키슈 말차 옥수수 황치즈ㅣDESSERT CREAM BREAD MUKBANG

284319 4313________

😋 Instagram: cosy_mukbang
😋 Business inquiries: cosycommunication@gmail.com

Hello Friends! This is Cosy.🤗
I am trying to upload a new video every Monday and Thursday night 10pm.^_^

Today I prepared a cream bread dessert that I really like.

Then thank you very much for watching today.
To make better videos, I will always do my best~🧡
And Hope you are always Healthy and happy.

*****Menu & Price*****
:: Ugly Bakery
Earl Gray Cream Bread: $3.5 / Matcha Cream Red Bean Bread: $3.5 /
Cheese cream bread: $3.5 / Blueberry cream bread: $3.5 /
Milk cream bread: $3.5 / Corn cream bread: $3.5 /
Lotus Cookie Cream Bread: $3.5 / Vanilla Custard Red Bean Bread: $3.8 /
Chocolate Cream Choux: $4 / Cherry Cookie Choux: $4.

Song : Hyerin Lee - Tongtong
Data source: gongu.copyright.or.kr/
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :    • Video  
CC-BY 3.0 goo.gl/Y8U8b9
Song : ANΩ - Ooh
Contact : mi6104303@gmail.com
Music Download Link [DayDreamSound] :    • Video  
