
Arbaeen Noha 2020 - Zainab's Arbaeen - Mohammed Abbas Karim Noha 2020 - Najaf To Karbala 2020

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Arbaeen Noha 2020 - Zainab's Arbaeen - Mohammed Abbas Karim Noha 2020 - Chehlum Noha 2020 - English Noha 2020 - Najaf To Karbala 2020 - Arbaeen Walk 2020

Reciter | Mohammed Abbas Karim
Title | Zainab's Arbaeen
Poetry | Nouri Sardar
Audio | Pure Vocal - Ahmed Sherif
Video & Editing | Nouri Sardar
Special thanks: The Hussain Legacy (London)

Video SEO - Samar Jafri

An Exclusive Noha for the Arbaeen e Imam Hussain and 72 Shuhda (as) Many Condolences to Janab e Syeda Zainab o Fatima Zahra (sa) and especially to Imam e Zamana (as)

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● NOHA - L Y R I C S ●

1 Zainab smells that familiar dust
As the orphans cling to her
They ask: “Aunty, where have we reached
This pain feels so familiar?”
She responds with tears in her eyes:
We have returned to Karbala*
2 As she moves ever closer
Her heartbeat begins to race
How much beauty, how much pain
Here how much worship took place?
She retraces every step
Yearning her brother’s embrace
3 With the orphans by her side
The tragedies she’d retell
Here is where Akbar was struck
Here is where young Qassim fell
Here is where the infant screamed
Angels fell when he’d wail
4 They come and stand by a grave
From its dust honour seeps
They throw dust over their heads
Zainab says as she weeps
Send upon him your salams
Asghar on his chest sleeps
5 Once shaded only by clouds
Guarded now by a mighty dome
We come to pay allegiance
Whilst angles around you roam
When our eyes see our beloved
We’ll know that we have found home

*6 Glance at us like your Zainab
For we too carry sorrow
Don’t deprive us of your shrine
Master you are all we know
You may stilll feel your thirst
We’ll quench it with tears that flow

N O U R I S A R D A R -
