
Diabetes Nutrition 101

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When we eat carbohydrates, they raise our blood sugar. Our bodies respond by producing insulin which moves sugar out of the blood into our cells, but for people with diabetes, this process doesn’t work as efficiently and blood sugar levels can stay high.

This video provides some simple meal planning tips, like:
How to use the Plate Method to get the right portions of proteins, veggies, and other carbs in a meal.
Watch for hidden carbs in sauces and condiments.
Cooking at home can help cut back on extra calories, carbs, and sodium
Vegetables can be delicious with the right seasonings, protein is filling and versatile, and fruits, grains, and starchy vegetables can still be enjoyed in moderation.

Healthline content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. See a licensed medical professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Opinions expressed in this video may not reflect those of Healthline Media.

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