3 Hours of DIVINE Orthodox & Catholic Sacred Harmonies | Sleep & Study Music ✝️
A carefully handpicked collection of some of the greatest, and most zealous Christian-based hymns, chants, choirs, and harmonies, dating all the way from the 8th century A.D, to the 20th century.
I hope you enjoy listening. All credit goes to the rightful owners, composers, singers, and etc.
If you're interested in following my path to God, be sure to visit my other new channel, where I hope to inspire others to follow the Lord:
/ @questforthechrist
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God bless you all.
● 00:00 - 05:49 Holy God - Credo Chamber Choir
● 05:49 - 18:09 Gregorian Psalm 90/91 - Harpa Dei
● 18:09 - 24:35 Soothing Orthodox Chant (First Part of Polyeleos)
● 24:35 - 28:16 Let My Prayer Arise - Pavel Chesnokov - Op. 24-6
● 28:16 - 34:03 La gloire de St Benoît - Antienne et Magnificat Exsultet omnium - Choeur des moines de l'abbaye Notre Dame de Fontgombault
● 34:03 - 45:53 Lament for the Fall of Constantinople (Psalm 79) (Live) - Alexander Lingas
● 45:54 - 51:40 AVE MARIA - Gregorian Chant of the Annunciation - Harpa Dei
● 51:40 - 1:06:16 Le Chant des Templiers VIII. Antiphona Salve Regina - Ensemble Organum
● 1:06:16 - 1:14:06 Old Roman chant - Dominus regnavit - Callixtus
● 1:14:06 - 1:22:45 Gregorian chant - Deum verum - Callixtus
● 1:22:45 - 1:28:30 Chant of the Templars - Honor Virtus et Potestas - Callixtus
● 1:28:30 - 1:38:30 Codex Calixtinus - Dum esset Salvator in Monte - Callixtus
● 1:38:30 - 1:40:54 Fr. Jeremiah of Decanin (a blind monk) chanting the Cherubic hymn - Orthodox Christian Chants
● 1:40:54 - 1:46:48 Compostela Ad vesperas Sancti Iacobi XI. Benedicamus Domino Deo Gracias - Ensemble Organum
● 1:46:48 - 1:52:16 Gothic chant - École de Notre-Dame Benedicamus Domino - Callixtus
● 1:52:16 - 1:54:33 VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS (COME HOLY SPIRIT - Gregorian chant to the Holy Spirit) - Harpa Dei
● 1:54:33 - 1:59:39 REQUIEM AETERNAM - Gregorian Chant for the poor souls - Harpa Dei
● 1:59:39 - 2:05:06 Anonymous - Alleluia, Behold the Bridegroom - HARMONICO101
● 2:05:06 - 2:10:27 Versa est in luctum - Lobo - Tenebrae conducted by Nigel Short - Tenebrae Choir
● 2:10:27 - 2:32:48 Psalmul 136 Muzică veche creștină, pentru rugăciune, studiu, odihnă, somn3Daudio - Muzica veche crestina
● 2:32:48 - 2:39:38 Nordic Chamber Choir - O Magnum Mysterium (M. Lauridsen) - GP Eleria
● 2:39:38 - 2:47:07 Old Roman chant - Inveni David servum meum - Callixtus
● 2:47:07 - 2:58:10 Byzantine chant Cherubic Hymn_ Χερουβικός ύμνος - (Lyric Video) - Adoration of the Cross
● 2:58:10 - 3:06:02 Hymn of the Cherubim (Excerpt) - Release