
1. Introduction Of Financial Markets - 12th Class Commerce Subject

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Dear Students,
To follow all the lectures of “12th Class Commerce Subject”, please follow the given link:
   • 1. Introduction Of Financial Markets ...  

Please follow the given Subjects & Chapters related to Commerce & Management Subjects:

1. Financial Accountancy – Part : 1
   • 1. Accounts Introduction Class For Be...  

Financial Accountancy – Part: 2
   • 1. Non - Trading Accounts - Introduction  

2. MEFA (Managerial Economics & Financial Analysis)
   • "Introduction To Business Economics" ...  

3. Business Law
   • Introduction of Business Law  

4. Statistics
   • Introduction of Statistics  

5. Financial Management
   • "Capital Budgeting" Introduction in F...  

6. Partnership Accounts
   • 1. Introduction of Partnership Accoun...  

7. Business Economics/ Managerial Economics
   • "Introduction To Business Economics" ...  

8. Basic Introduction Chapter of Financial Accountancy
   • Accounting Basics For Beginners By Dr...  

9. Bank Reconciliation Statement
   • 42. "Bank Reconciliation Statement" C...  

10. Final Accounts
   • 23.A Complete Introduction on " Final...  

11. Depreciation
   • 1. Depreciation Introduction  

12. Rectification of Errors
   • 1. "Rectification Of Errors" Chapter ...  

13. Business Organization & Management (BOM)
   • "Characteristics & Forms of Business ...  

14. Career Options

15. Company Law
   • "Introduction & Features of Joint Sto...  

16. Bills of Exchange
   • 53. Introduction To  "Bills Of Exchan...  

17. Non – Trading Accounts
   • 1. Non - Trading Accounts - Introduction  

18. MEFA / BEFA For Engineering Students
   • "Introduction To Business Economics" ...  

19. Recommended Text Books For Commerce & Management Subjects:
   • "Business Law" Only One Recommended  ...  

20. Consignment Accounts
   • 1. Introduction of Consignment Accounts  

21. Joint Venture Accounts
   • 1. Joint Venture Accounts - Introduction  

22. BCRW (Business Communication & Report Writing)
   • 1. Introduction To Business Communica...  

23. Advanced Accounting ( Valuation of Goodwill & Shares)
   • 1. Valuation of Goodwill Introduction...  

24. Managerial Accounting:
   • 1. Managerial Accounting - Introduction  

25. Different Subjects & it’s video links:
   • Cost Control & Management Accounting ...  

26.Self Balancing System Accounts:
   • 1. Self Balancing System Accounts - I...  

27. Different Subjects & it’s Video Links:
   • Cost Control & Management Accounting ...  

28. Principles of Management
   • 1. Principles of Management Subject -...  

30. Branch Accounts:
   • 1. Branch Accounts - Introduction  

31. Auditing
   • 1. Auditing Subject - Introduction Class  

32. Research Methodology
   • 1. Research Methodology - Introduction  

33. Single Entry/ Accounts from Incomplete Records
   • 1.  Single Entry/ Accounts from Incom...  

34. Income Tax – 1
   • 1 Introduction of Income Tax - Income...  

35. Cost Accounting
   • 1.  Cost Introduction - Introduction ...  

36. Management Accounting
   • "Ratio Analysis -  Introduction" By D...  

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4. Accounts In Telugu By Prof Devika Bhatnagar
   / @accountsintelugubyprofdevika  
