
Put God First - A Life-Changing Motivational Speech! By Billy Graham

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Are you searching for true purpose, peace, and fulfillment? This powerful message will inspire you to put God first in every area of your life. In the style of great revival preachers, this sermon will remind you that God is the source of all blessings, the key to true satisfaction, and the only way to eternal life. Don't let distractions keep you from what truly matters—choose to put God first today!

00:00 – Introduction: Why This Message Matters
02:30 – Because He is Our Creator and Sustainer
07:15 – Because Without Him, We Are Nothing
12:00 – Because This World Cannot Satisfy You
16:45 – Because Obedience Brings Blessings
21:30 – Because Eternity is at Stake
24:45 – Closing Prayer & Call to Action

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#PutGodFirst, #FaithInGod, #ChristianMotivation, #GodsPlan, #BiblicalTruth, #JesusSaves, #SpiritualEncouragement, #ChristianSermon, #TrustGod, #WalkByFaith, #ChristianInspiration, #GodsGuidance, #ObedienceToGod, #EternalLife, #SeekGodFirst, #GodsLove, #PurposeDrivenLife, #MotivationalSermon, #FaithBasedLiving, #ChristianPreaching, #BlessingsFromGod, #SurrenderToGod, #TrustInJesus, #BiblicalWisdom, #SpiritualAwakening, #LiveForGod, #JesusChrist, #ChristianFaith, #RevivalMessage, #PowerOfFaith,
