
Sightreading Maverick LIVE - Sunday, February 26, 2023

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Watch as I sightread requests that viewers have sent in throughout the week. A mixture of fun, terror, beauty, and excitement all rolled into one hour! It's also a great way to hear music that isn't always performed.

Requests of public domain music on IMSLP can be made throughout the week by messaging or emailing me.

To see a list of all previously sightread pieces including the links to the show each was on, please click here:


On today's program:

2:08 Girolamo Frescobaldi: Toccata in G minor, starts on printed page 4 of collection

10:00 Alexandre Guilmant: Six Little Pieces, Op. 48 vmirror.imslp.org/files/imglnks/usimg/f/fb/IMSLP26…

32:40 Richard Kleinmichel: Five Arabesken, Op. 19

52:08 Jan Ladislav Dussek: Sonatina No 6 in E-flat, start on printed page 30
