Wrapping up DEVember. What's next?
Let's wrap up the DEVember marathon of React Native tutorials
✨More info about the event: notjust.dev/events/DEVember
🌟DEVember Day 24: www.notjust.dev/projects/devember/day24
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0:00 Intro
1:30 Introducing DEVember
3:05 Day 1 Getting started with React Native and Expo
4:24 Day 2 Build an Animated onboarding Flow
5:20 Day 3 Render Markdown in React Native
7:35 Day 4 Animated Splash Screen using Lotti
9:13 Day 5 Build AirBNB Maps
11:05 Day 6 Tinder Swipe Animation
12:25 Day 7 Build the iOS Voice Memos app
14:16 Day 8 Weather App with React Native
15:46 Day 9 Authentication in React Native using AWS Amplify V6
17:40 Day 10 React Native Biometrics
19:38 Day 11 React Native Camera App
20:28 Day 12 TikTok feed in React Native
21:44 Day 13 EAS Build, Submit and Update
23:07 Day 14 Expo Push Notifications
23:53 Day 15 The Ultimate To-Do App
24:50 Day 16 React Context for State Management
25:50 Day 17 Global State Management with Zustand
26:51 Day 18 Instagram Stories with Reanimated
28:38 Day 20 ChatGPT Wrapper with Expo Router
31:42 Day 23 ChatGPT Wrapper - AI-generated Images
33:53 Day 21 Monetise your Mobile App with RevenueCat
36:21 Day 22 Local First App
46:42 What's next in 2024?
48:16 Accelerator Program
56:00 notJust.dev Donating to Fundraiser
Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #ReactNative