
Khidirpore Wholesale Cloth Market | Kolkata Wholesale Market | AA Fashion | Wholesale Jeans Market

7765 152________


3rd Floor Fancy Market 25 Karl Marx Sarani

Arshad : 9830708339
Sharique : 9836517054

Shop Instagram : www.instagram.com/aa_fashion_kolkata?igsh=MWtnMmp1…

📸 Follow me on Instagram : www.instagram.com/sub_boi_nation/

📬 My Facebook : www.facebook.com/SubboiNations/

👇Disclaimer 👇

This video is only for the purpose Of marketing knowledge.. We r just providing market information. We are not promoting or defaming any brand in any way.

We are not responsible for any profit or loss in any way. Please check before buying goods and make sure it is worth it.
Thank you,

#wholesaleprice #wholesalemarket #wholesaleshop #wholesalejeansmarket #wholesaleshirtmarket
