Fear of Dark
No, darkness is but a ghost of an idea, the least remembered, most estranged prayer, and your fear but a lingering, limbic fear torn from shreds of forgotten years.
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“Forgiving the Darkness”
Song by Ashley Young and Ric O'Shea: ashleydaydreaming.bandcamp.com/track/forgiving-dar…
Adapted from the poem by Alice B. Fogel
Thumbnail Painting: “Deimos,” used with permission from Dragan Bibin: www.draganbibin.com/
Additional Footage by Timmm: / @timmm_
Additional Voice by “Voice of Czath”
“Visual Hallucinations During Prolonged Blindfolding in Sighted Subjects,” Merabet Et al., 2004: journals.lww.com/jneuro-ophthalmology/fulltext/200…
“Into the Dark: What Darkness Is and Why It Matters,” Jacqueline Yallop, 2023
“The Woman Who Spent Five Hundred Days in a Cave,” D. T. Max, 2024: www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/01/29/the-woman-wh…
Beatriz Flamini’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/beatriz_flamini/?hl=en
“Milutin Lived For 464 Days Walled Up In A Cave,” Juzne Vesti, 2020: www.telegraf.rs/english/3243609-milutin-lived-for-…
“Caveman: An Interview with Michel Siffre,” Joshua Foer, 2008: www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/30/foer_siffre.php
“Beyond Time,” Michel Siffre, 1964
“Underground: A Human History of the Worlds Beneath Our Feet,” Will Hunt, 2018
“Worst Outage Cripples North India,” Mehdudia & Ramachandaran, 2012: web.archive.org/web/20121117052357/http://www.theh…
“Indian Blackouts of July 2012: What Happened and Why?” Anubhav Rath, 2016: medium.com/clean-energy-for-billions/indian-blacko…
“Power Blackout Strands 200 Indian Coal Miners,” Dhar & Daniel, 2012: www.reuters.com/article/india-blackout-trapped-idU…
“At Day's Close: Night in Times Past,” A. Roger Ekirch, 2005
“U.S. Risks National Blackout From Small-Scale Attack,” Rebecca Smith, 2014: www.wsj.com/articles/SB100014240527023040201045794…
“Investigators are zeroing in on two possible motives...in NC power stations attacks,” Miller, Almasy, Wild, 2022: www.cnn.com/2022/12/07/us/power-outage-moore-count…
“'Intentional, willful and malicious': 40K without power after substation attacks in Moore County,” Shook & Norton, 2022: www.fayobserver.com/story/news/crime/2022/12/04/mo…
“Why White Supremacists Are Trying to Attack Energy Grids,” Ruberg, 2024: www.nytimes.com/2024/08/08/us/white-supremacist-po…
Dark Sky International- Darkness Areas: darksky.org/what-we-do/international-dark-sky-plac…
Light Pollution Map: www.lightpollutionmap.info/
“How Darkness Shaped History,” Silver & Ransom, 2010: • Fear of the Night: How Darkness Shape...
“Mask of the Sun: The Science, History and Forgotten Lore of Eclipses,” John C. Dvorak, 2017
Solar Eclipse List: www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list-solar.html
“Revolution in Science,” The Times, 1919: www.thetimes.com/article/revolution-in-science-f63…
“Point Nemo, the Most Remote Place on Earth,” Cullen Murphy, 2024: www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2024/11/point…
“Life after Life,” Raymond Moody, 1975
“Darkness,” Lord Byron, 1816
Additional footage used from the games NaissanceE (2014), Space Engine (2024), and Shadow of the Colossus (2005)
Music Used (Chronologically): Francesco (Aerian), To Be Still (By Lotus), Reve D’Enfant (Magnus Ludvigsson), Done For (Christian Anderson), Lemniscate (Ethan Sloan), A Massive Mist (Ethan Sloan), Ear to the Ground (Hanna Lindgren), Arbitrary Treatment (Prozody), Tokyo Screams (Farrell Wooten), Control Sample (Skyra), Bitter Swirl (Line Neesgaard), Shapes of Shadows (Franz Gordon), Première Prise (Vincent Leibovitz), Who’s There (Franz Gordon), Ode to Joy (Ludwig van Beethoven), Sudden Signs (Ethan Sloan), Prisms (Ethan Sloan), Onus (Ethan Sloan), Kobicha (Arden Forest), Forgiving the Darkness (Ashley Young)
Additional music and effects from Getty Images, Epidemic Sound, Reuters Archive, and Storyblocks
Thumbnail and Graphic Design by twitter.com/HotCyder
Description credit: “Forgiving the Darkness” by Alice B. Fogel