
1hr 睡眠音樂 - 幫助媽媽&寶寶心靈放鬆、紓壓,安穩入睡︱528hz奇蹟正能量頻率🧡︱知浦伸司 日系療癒音樂盒

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Introducing our selection of premium music that provides physical and mental comfort and promotes better sleep for both mothers and babies.

The 528hz frequency is known for its ability to alleviate stress, low moods, anxiety, and other emotional issues. Dr. Leonard Horowitz from the United States even suggests in his research that this frequency can enhance DNA integrity and repair.

The fresh and gentle rhythm brings deep calmness, allowing you to experience the purest beauty and harmony. This music is perfect for creating a soothing atmosphere for mothers and babies alike.

Music by Shinji Chiura
Track List
#1 Mermaid 00:00-06:34
#2 Odyssey 06:35-14:22
#3 Eterna 14:23-23:31
#4 Steps 3 23:32-30:59
#5 Whisper 31:00-38:17
#6 Lumina 38:18-43:58
#7 Angel Garden 43:59-51:54
#8 Twilight 51:55-58:38

【Digital Music】

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