The New Human with Richard Rudd
In this extraordinary dialogue, Master Astrologer Pam Gregory meets Gene Keys founder and author Richard Rudd. This is a confluence of two different but entirely resonant worldviews, masterfully and spontaneously woven together. Richard’s embodied understanding of the profound inner changes we are currently going through at the genetic and spiritual level, are mirrored by Pam’s amazing grasp of celestial geometries and their relevance to our individual and collective evolution. Subjects covered: huge shifts in the period between 2024 and 2027, Gene Key 55, release code of the future human, long transits of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, genetic mutations, collective intelligence, the symbolism of dwarf planets, the crumbling of old paradigms, the sleeping phoenix, Sedna and the secrets in the oceans, and much more. This is a profound and prophetic exploration into the current backdrop of the state of our planet and its passage into a coming period of profound awakening.
Hazel Newton introduces us. As a good friend of us both she brought us together and she also co-created and takes part in a Gene Keys group herself in SW England. In her other work she is the facilitator for Janet Treloar who channels Zac, aspect of Ascended Master Dwhal Khul.
Richard Rudd live Event in London: The Great Change and the Dawn of the Future Human
The link for Gene Key 55: The 55 - Gene Keys: genekeys.com/the-55/
Social Media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Genekeys/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/genekeys/?hl=en
Unveiling the Future: the Earth's Current Spiritual Evolution with Zac and Pam
• Unveiling the Future: the Earth's Cur...
Hazel Newton: Janet Treloar: Zacs Portal
Do subscribe to ‘Zac’s’ Monthly Love-Letter, via the website below, where Hazel shares information about Zacs’ bi-monthly channelled transmissions and Meditations and other events/interviews. A fabulous library full of freely available evolutionary wisdom and a membership portal.www.hazelnewton.live/