
Life is Strange: Before the Storm - The Worst Best Friend

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Wicked wit.
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Time Stamps
00:00 - Intro
05:20 - EP1 Awake
20:25 - EP2 Brave New World
28:08 - EP3 Hell is Empty
36:57 - Conclusion

Folks Who Helped Out.

Y’all probably already know him, but did you know he did a let’s play of LiS and BtS? Go check it out here. He’s much less forgiving than I am.
   • YMS Plays: Life is Strange: Before th...  

Finn M-K
He produced the music for the theatre scene. Super talented multi-instrumentalist!
   / @finnmk  

Miles John
He animated the hospital scene, go check out his animations!
   / @milesjohn  

Music Used in Order

Dynamic Theme -    • Video  
Ol' Pickaxe -    • Night in the Woods OST: Ol’ Pickaxe  
Dinner at Bea's -    • Dinner at Bea's  
Hotel -    • Undertale OST - Hotel Extended  

Episode 1 - Persona
Iwatodai Dorm -    • Persona 3 OST - Iwatodai Dorm (Extended)  
The Voice Someone Calls -    • Video  
Deep Inside My Mind Remix -    • Persona 3 Portable: Way of Life -Deep...  
During the Test -    • Persona 3 OST - During the Test... (E...  
Troubled -    • Persona 3 - Troubled (Extended)  
Living with Determination -    • Persona 3 OST - Living With Determina...  
Mistic -    • Persona 3 OST - Mistic  

Episode 2 - Persona
Backside of the TV -    • Video  
Finn M-K Commissioned Song
Like a Dream Come True -    • [Persona 4 OST] 09 - Like a dream com...  
Who's There -    • [Persona 4 OST] 10 - Who's there?  

Episode 3
Gentle Madman -    • Video  
Another Ideology -    • Video  
Interrogation Room -    • Interrogation Room - Persona 5  
Royal Days (Another Version) -    • Video  
Confessions -    • Confessions - Secret - Persona 5  
New Beginning -    • Video  
Out of Kindness -    • Video  

Greenpath -    • Video  
Scattered and Lost -    • [Official] Celeste Original Soundtrac...  
Hotel -    • Undertale OST - Hotel Extended  
