
Vedic Chanting | Rudri Path by 21 Brahmins

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Rudri path by 21 brahmins. From powerful vedic chanting album Moksha.

Shiva means supreme consciousness which is all pervasive and eternal. The verses in Rudri Paath are the singing glory of Shiva, the giver of energy, wisdom, and health. Rudri Paath is stated in the eighth chapter of the Shukla Yajur Veda, which is said to be, beloved to Lord Shiva. It is also commonly known as Rudri. It is said that 'those who worship Lord Shiva, their dormant Shakti begins to rise' and soon with the grace of Shiva & dedicated practice, highest stages of consciousness are attained.
Buy tracks: mysticamusic.com/releases/mahamrityunjaya
Artists: 21 Brahmins
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#RudriPath #Chantingby21Brahmins #ShivaDevotional
