Know you Surgical Gastroenterologsist
Discover Laparoscopic Excellence at Dharan Hospital 🏥
Dr. G. Gopalakrishnan, the trailblazer in Whipples Procedure, Esophagectomy, Colorectal Resections, Pancreatectomy, and more! 🌟
With 8+ years of dedicated practice, He has performed 1200+ surgeries and 500+ procedures, exemplifying surgical expertise like no other. 🔍🔬
At Dharan Hospital, we witness the magic of healing, guided by the steady hands and compassionate heart of Dr. Gopalakrishnan. 🌈💙
From Laparoscopic Whipples to Esophagectomy, He pioneers groundbreaking surgeries, bringing hope to the most challenging cases. 🌟💚
Experience world-class treatments and redefine the boundaries of surgical brilliance. 🌐✨
Take the first step towards transformative surgeries and a renewed life. Book your appointment with our specialist at Dharan Hospital today! 📅🩺
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