
How to Play the Edgy Loner WITHOUT Making Your Party Want to Kill You

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We've all seen someone play and Edgy Loner before, let's be real... But does that HAVE to be a bad thing? Well, let's find out!

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✅ Instagram: www.instagram.com/roleyourplay/
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🔴 ** ABOUT ME **
Hello! My name is Jay, and I am a long-time veteran of storytelling and a semi-seasoned DM! I began playing Dungeons and Dragons roughly 5 years ago and began my first ever game as the DM. I figured things out by watching online games and fumbling my way through the rules, and never looked back! I've fallen in love with TTRPG's in general and want to share my experience and thoughts with the world and community I love so much. I currently DM two separate games regularly, and continue to learn every day.

Play Your Role is a project with the intention of helping inspire and coach players and DM’s alike to add story beats and dramatic moments into their games through basic writing concepts, interesting player character inspirations, and discussions on how to effectively roleplay in a way that helps (not hinders) everyone else's roleplay at the table!

• Dungeons and Dragons

• Tabletop Roleplay

• DND5e



• Roleplay Games


🔎 SCRIPT EXCERPT: (This isn't important, just stuff for the algorithm) 🔎

Look, I know we've all seen him. We've all seen somebody trying to play with. Edgy dark character who sits in the back corner of a room and doesn't talk to anybody they're cagey about their past. And don't want to tell you anything about them. They want to just be mysterious and capable and only interact when the moment seems right.

The other fact of the matter is those characters are boring, straight up. They're just not fun to play with. They're super cool in different stories and media, but not in tabletop case. We've all seen countless green texts and story times about, oh, this person tried to play this edgy character and ruin my game.

We all know about this, but look, people don't try to play those characters just to ruin your game. It's because they actually have a fantasy they want to fulfill. There is something there which entices people, and I think could be a lot of fun if played in the right way. So I want to talk about how to play an in.

And how to make that actually work at your table. So let's talk about that. Okay. If you're wanting to play an edgy loner, chances are, you're probably a fan of people like Strider from Lord of the rings or Dobby from my hero academia. Ultimately at the end of the day, the reason people want to play these characters is they want to play somebody who
