
【四国/徳島旅行】女ひとり旅2泊3日 J-AIRで行く!徳島のグルメと観光を楽しむ!時間が足りなさ過ぎたノープラン徳島旅【ダイワロイネットホテル徳島駅前】【鳴門海月別亭シーサイドホテル鯛丸海月】

35952 336________

[Japan Travel/Shikoku Tokushima] Solo female trip - 3 days enjoying Tokushima's gourmet food and sightseeing - Tokushima Castle, Otsuka Museum of Art, Naruto Whirlpool

0:00 opening
0:30 departure
3:15 Arrival at Tokushima Airport
3:30 To Tokushima city by bus
4:20 Lunch with fish dishes
5:45 Daiwa Roynet Hotel Tokushima station
7:00 There is a steam locomotive at the Tokushima Castle ruins.
10:18 Tokushima city sightseeing
13:45 dinner with meat
16:33 Day 2/Take the bus from Tokushima City to Naruto City
17:30 Otsuka Museum of Art/First half: Leonardo da Vinci, Rubens paintings, Sistine Chapel, etc.
26:38 Whirlpool observation
31:33 Second half of the museum/Van Gogh's Seven Sunflowers
36:11 Impressions of the museum
38:40 Seaside Hotel Taimaru Kaigetsu
41:00 dinner
43:00 To the airport
44:00 Tokushima Airport Lounge
