Cinema 4D Xpresso Nuts and Bolts: Tutorial 20: Advanced Data Mapping with the Range Mapper Node
In this Cinema 4D Xpresso Tutorial, we learn how to apply advanced data mapping to a real-world example. We do so, by mapping frames to percentage values, in order to control a cubes position along a spline, via the Align to Spline tag.
My thanks go to the following people, all of whom have been kind enough to buy me a coffee:
Matt, Cedric, Uriah, Willy, Vadim, Tim, Simone, Alain, David, Daniil, customatics, Durward, Scott and William.
In this Cinema 4D Xpresso tutorial, we take a look a logic gates (within the Boole Node) and discover how all of the six different functions actually work. So, if you don’t know your AND from your XOR, this one is definitely for you!
Your generosity is always, greatly appreciated!
If you wish to by me a coffee, you may do so here: www.buymeacoffee.com/jfield4
0:00 - Intro.
1:53 - Setting the Scene Objects.
3:36 - User Data.
6:31 - Xpresso.
13:10 - How it Works...
17:06 - Final Thoughts.
18:20 - Outro.