Most Expensive Liquids In The Word | Top 7 | (Clear Explanation)
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This video is about Top 7 Most Expensive Liquids In the World
@Top Seven
01.Scorpion venoms
Scorpions are terrifying creatures, given that they are venomous. However, if you discovered that just one gallon of scorpion venoms could earn you a fortune, you would want to start finding them as soon as possible. A galloon of scorpion venoms is about $39,000,000. This means they are very precious. The venom is used for various medical purposes. For instance, it is used for treating abnormal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerosis, and others. They have been discovered to be shy creatures, though, which means getting their venoms won’t be an easy task.
02.Cobra venoms
The elephant may be the biggest animal amongst others, but when it comes to a snake such as a cobra, it can be easily killed. This is because cobra has a potent venom that can kill within 20 minutes. This makes its venom one of the rarest and highly valuable liquids in the medical field. The reason for this is that it contains ohanin, which is a form of protein. It is used as a form of painkiller. Experts have discovered that it is even more effective when compared to morphine. One gallon of cobra venom can be priced at $153,000.
03.Horseshoe crab blood
The blood of Horseshoe crab is considered to be very important in the medical field, which remains surprising to many others out there. Do you know that a gallon of this blood can cost $53,250? The reason is simply because of the molecule that it contains, which is being used for research in medical laboratories. This is because of the role that it plays in getting endotoxins detected. They are usually harvested in large quantities due to their blood. This is expected to change very soon, though, given that researches are being carried to find out other ways of detecting such conditions.
04.Chanel No. 5
Chanel No. 5 is a costly perfume that most people don’t know about. It is a fragrance that celebrities and other prominent figures in society use. This perfume was sold for the first time in 1922. It remains a very reputable brand; amongst others, you will find in the market. This is probably the reason why it commands a price of $23,300. Unlike other perfumes, this contains flower petals and roots that are very rare.
05. Mercury – $3,400 per gallon
Mercury occurs naturally in the environment and typically found in the form of its common ore cinnabar – mercury sulfide. To extract pure mercury, the ore is ground up and heated up to 580 degrees Celsius with oxygen present in the process.
Mercury is the only metal that is in liquid state at room temperature. That’s the reason it can be used as a liquid contact material for electric switches. It is traditionally used in medicine and the production of thermometers. Because of its high density, it is used in manometers and barometers. Mercury is also used in the production of chlorine and sodium hydroxide, and in certain electric batteries.
Insulin is very expensive to produce in its biosynthetic form. As we know insulin is a hormone naturally produced by healthy pancreases.
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, insulin prices tripled between 2002-2013 and seem to be steadily on the rise. A more affordable way to produce insulin is reportedly in development, introducing the human gene into plants to then produce it themselves.
*The price of $9,400 per gallon was published by HF Magazine, though any PWD out there can do the math themselves … we’ve seen conclusions ranging from $15,000 – $100,000.
07.Human Blood – $1,500 per gallon
The human blood is a combination of plasma and cells that float in it. It supplies necessary nutrients and substances like oxygen, sugar and hormones to our cells and carries waste away from those cells.
We all carry around 5 liters of blood with us all the time, so it isn’t something rare, but the cost of processing blood donation is expensive. Although the price varies geographically, in general cost of handling donations continues to rise.
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