
Sahaba Stories - Companions Of The Prophet | Abu Bakr (RA) | Quran Stories in English

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Assalamu Alaikum!

Abu Bakr(RA) was born in Mecca some time in 573 CE, to a rich family in the Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe. Abu Bakr's father's name was Uthman Abu Quhafa and his mother was Salma bint Sakhar.

Abu Bakr(RA) became the first openly declared Muslim outside Prophet Muhammad(swt)’s family.He was commonly known as ‘The Truthful’. Abu Bakr's reign lasted for 2 years, 2 months, 2 weeks and 1 day ending with his death after an illness.

We are bringing to you, for the very first time, the Stories of the Companions of the Prophet (Pbuh). The stories are structured in such a way that one should learn and understand about the life and achievements of Sahabi.

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2. Prophet Nuh (Noah) (as): goo.gl/g28ENa
3. Prophet Hud (as): goo.gl/CxTZz4
4. Prophet Salih (Saleh)(as): goo.gl/jbiRQL
5. Prophet Ibrahim (as): goo.gl/SCVmrm
6. Prophet Isma'il (Ishmael): goo.gl/0b89zs
7. Prophet Ishaq (Isaac) &Prophet Yaqub (as) : goo.gl/InP2fB
8. Prophet Lut (Lot) (as): goo.gl/Mwiqvb
9. Prophet Yaqub (AS): goo.gl/mVEDh4
10. Prophet Shuaib (as) : goo.gl/t4hWCh
11. Prophet Yusuf(as): goo.gl/ydO3eQ
12. Prophet Ayyub (as) : goo.gl/ot5uyu
13. Prophet Yunus (Jonah) (as): goo.gl/IqGLeq
14. Prophet Musa (AS) : goo.gl/B4PYRg
15.Prophet Yusha AS & Prophet Hizqeel (AS) : goo.gl/zWzmVm
16.Prophet Shammil (AS) : goo.gl/4v3Q6d
17. Prophet Dawud (AS) Story Part - 1 : goo.gl/eBLXpU
18. Prophet Dawud (AS) Story Part-2 : goo.gl/2ziQg8
19. Prophet Sulaiman (AS) : goo.gl/yKjthN
20. Prophet Isaiah (AS) : goo.gl/eoDMHn
21. Prophet UZAIR(AS) : goo.gl/ptwfqR
22. Prophet Zakariyah (AS) :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
23. Prophet Yahya (AS) Story :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
24. Prophet Isa (AS) Story Part - 1 :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
25. Prophet Isa (AS) Story Part - 2 :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
26. Prophet Isa (AS) Story Part - 3 :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
27. Prophet Muhammad(saw)Part1:    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
28. Prophet Muhammad (saw) Part2 :    • Prophet Stories In English | Prophet ...  
29. Prophet Muhammad (saw) Part3 : goo.gl/mtzZ8Z
30. Prophet Muhammad (saw) Part4 : goo.gl/iA1uED
31. Abbad Ibn Bashir (RA) : goo.gl/q3FDkQ
32. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) : goo.gl/ru1Xgd
33. Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) Part 1: goo.gl/ZVmmH7
33. Abdullah Ibn Masood (RA) Part 2: goo.gl/BVNEjs
34. Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum (RA) : goo.gl/Uy4Qti
35. Abu Darda (RA) : goo.gl/oXuqio
36. Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah (RA) : goo.gl/Psd9Uw
37. Noaman Ibn Muqqarin (RA) : goo.gl/SyNwq1
38. Syed Ibn Aamir Al Jumahi (RA) : goo.gl/W8PWGJ
39. Abuzar Al Gaffari (RA) : goo.gl/CUnr58
40. Salman Al Farisi (RA) part 1 : goo.gl/e88h72
41. Salman Al Farisi (RA) Part 2 : goo.gl/fbc6vm
42. Hazrat Ammar Ibn Yasir (RA) Part 1 : goo.gl/uuCzTJ
43. Hazrat Ammar Ibn Yasir (RA) Part 2 : goo.gl/hJvKa5
44. Hazrat Miqdad Ibn Aswad Al (RA) : goo.gl/4R8tB1
45. Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA) Part 1 : goo.gl/Erya3P
46. Hamzah Ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA) Part 2 : goo.gl/QJwG2a
47. Hazrat Bilal Ibn Rabah (RA) Part 1 : goo.gl/SoU3jT
48. Hazrat Bilal Ibn Rabah (RA) Part 2 : goo.gl/mJ3t6W
49. Hazrat Imam Ali Bin Talib (RA) Part 1 : goo.gl/s7yZo5
50. Hazrat Imam Ali Bin Talib (RA) Part 2 : goo.gl/dkyWzr

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