
How Suspension Rubber Bushings Work - Leaf Spring Bushing - Rubber Hysteresis Curve

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In this video, we will introduce you to suspension rubber bushings. First, we will have a quick introduction to them. Then, we will break down a cylindrical rubber bushing by its components (Sleeve, Rubber, and Torque Rod). As it is necessary to outline the basics of rubber material characteristics to understand the function of a rubber bushing, we will cover a few definitions (Rubber hysteresis curve/Loading-unloading curve, Damping capacity). Then we will outline the deformation modes (Radial, Axial, Normal, Conical, and Torsional) of a rubber bushing and demonstrate each mode with animation. Finally, we will assemble a rubber bushing into a truck suspension system (Leaf spring assembly) to demonstrate its application and functionality in a real example.

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