
Skincare Basics for Mature Skin while on Vacation | Camping | MatureBeauty

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I filmed this on July 7th 2017 while on vacation and then forgot to upload it when I got home! #DumbMe

Skin care when away from home, whether you are staying at a 5 star hotel or roughing in a back to nature camping vacation or rving in a Glamper, your mature skin care routine is so important. I always travel with a few staples and the rest I can do without.

Skin Care Products I currently use :
Cleanse thoroughly - I switch my products around.  I use my Foreo Luna Mini or the dupe and after washing and rinsing, I apply a toner, usually a witch -hazel alcohol free product. 
While my skin is still damp I apply about 4 or 5 drops vit c on my face, neck and top of hands.
I use Timeless 20% Vitamin C + E Ferulic Acid Serum -  www.timelessha.com/20-vitamin-c-e-ferulic-acid-ser…

Then I apply 4 or 5 drops of Matrixyl 3000 all over my face, neck and hands. 
I use Timeless Matrixyl 3000 Serum   www.timelessha.com/matrixyl-3000-serum-1-oz/

I then apply some HC - currently I use
Timeless Hyaluronic Acid Serum 100% Pure www.timelessha.com/hyaluronic-acid-serum-100-pure/

Most mornings I use my Botox in a Bottle on my deeper wrinkles by Asterwoods Naturals
MATRIXYL 3000 + ARGIRELINE  www.asterwoodnaturals.com/collections/serums/produ…

I use The Ordinary Caffeine Solution deciem.com/product/rdn-caffeine-solution-5pct-egcg… on my eye bags.

I then apply on my dry areas (if needed) some Argan Oil -theordinary.com/product/rdn-100pct-organic-cold-pr… Or some of my Bee Venom Cream.

Once all that absorbs into my skin - I apply the highest sun block/moisturizer I have and wait 30 minutes before apply my foundation if I use any. I use sunblock all year round and cover my entire face, neck, chest and hands.

Night Time Products
Cleanse using same process as my morning routine.

I apply while my skin is still damp Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) lightly all over my face-  theordinary.com/product/rdn-niacinamide-10pct-zinc…

If extra I’m dry I will add a little bit of face oil but most nights I just apply one of my Retin-A products. I alternate 3 or 4 times a week between the 0.050 % , 0.1% and use the 0.025% on my brow area, neck and chest.  

Immediately after or mixed in with my Retin-a, I apply my Bee Venon Cream-  - www.amazon.com/Lanocorp-Lanocreme-Venom-Face-Mask/…

Neck and Chest Night time

On my neck and Chest I mix my Retin-a with my Cold pressed RoseHip Seed Oil on my neck and chest.  Currently I am using  deciem.com/product/rdn-100pct-organic-cold-pressed…
Or Cacay Oil - www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=cacay+naturals+…

2 or 3 times a week I use Careprost on my eye lashes.
I currently buy my Careprost and Retin-a from reliablerxpharmacy

I am NOT Sponsored or being paid to promote any of the above-mentioned products and have purchased them all repeatedly.

#MatureBeauty and #SexyAfterSixty is a reality with skin care and fitness goals.
Thank you so much for watching my video, please be sure to like this video and leave me a comment and of course please subscribe!

For a List of beautiful mature women sharing beauty tips on You Tube check out this list published by Carol from the Oh Carol Show
"FABULOUS WOMEN ON YOUTUBE" ohcarolshow.blogspot.com/

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