
Ak Khawand Aur Biwi Ka Waqia || Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri

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Welcome to SunnahStars! 🌟 Join Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai And Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri on a transformative journey guided by Islamic wisdom🌙

#ajmalrazaqadri #ajmalrazaqadribayan #peerajmalrazaqadri #ajmalrazaqadriemotionalbayan #saqibraza


1. *Introduction* (00:00 - 05:00)
2. *Importance of Mutual Respect* (05:00 - 10:00)
3. *Role of Love and Compassion* (10:00 - 15:00)
4. *Fulfilling Marital Duties* (15:00 - 20:00)
5. *Handling Disagreements* (20:00 - 25:00)
6. *Conclusion and Dua* (25:00 - 40:00)

*Video Description*
😊 In this video, Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri 🎙️ discusses the topic of husband and wife relationships in Islam 🕌. He uses Quranic verses 📖 and Hadith traditions 📚 to illustrate the importance of mutual respect 🙏, love ❤️, and compassion 💖 between spouses. He also emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one's marital duties 🤝 and responsibilities 💼.

Husband and wife relationship in Islam 🕌
Quranic verses on husband and wife relationship 📖
Hadith traditions on husband and wife relationship 📚
Mutual respect, love, and compassion between spouses 🙏❤️💖
Marital duties and responsibilities 🤝💼
Muhammad Ajmal Raza Qadri 🎙️

#AkKhawandAurBiwiKaWaqia 💑
#QuranAndHadithReferance 📖📚
#HusbandWifeRelationship 👫
#MutualRespectLoveAndCompassion 🙏❤️💖
#MaritalDutiesAndResponsibilities 🤝💼
#MuhammadAjmalRazaQadri 🎙️

*Greetings and Thanks Letter*
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh 🙏,

Dear viewers,
😊 Thank you for watching this video 📹. I hope you found it informative and helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. 👇

Please subscribe to my channel for more Islamic content 🕌.

Jazakallah khair. 🙏

*Injustice in Palestine* 💔
We must also remember the plight of the Palestinian people, who are suffering under Israeli occupation 🇮🇱. Children 👶 are being killed 💔, homes 🏠 are being destroyed 💥, and basic human rights ✊ are being denied. Please remember them in your prayers 🙏 and support their cau
