
【1日10分】 朝のマインドフルネス瞑想 ココロとアタマを浄化する #471

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B-life original goods
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Costume cooperation: KIT

B-life Books
Magic Yoga: amzn.to/2TuLqR3
Magic Pilates: amzn.to/3avHlEt
The Strongest and Beautiful Abs Training: www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4594615066
Magical Sleeping Yoga: amzn.to/36WtCYI
Magical Prenatal Yoga: www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4418214070

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The videos provided by B-life are not suitable for everyone. This yoga is not a medical practice.
Please decide the use of the tools, pose, and movement in the video at your own discretion. You don't need to follow all suggestions and comments regarding instructions.
B-life is not responsible for any injuries or damages that may result from watching videos, using products or services.
If you're worried, talk to your healthcare professional before practicing a yoga or exercise program.
