大家庭(9口)煮菜分配,看看我們家三餐由誰來下廚?Big Family of 9 Needs to Eat! See Who Cooks Each Meal!
好消息,我們現在提供經濟包裝茶包:簡單包裝,更低價格,同樣美味的茶=CP值更高!最近也開始賣我們小孩喜歡穿的鄉村風蛋糕裙!還有限量的手帕和小孩的手工,由季芳精心挑選的自然靈感飾品。如果你看網站時已經售完,不用擔心,我們正在準備下一批(更多)漂亮的蛋糕裙,加上3-到4款全新的產品。敬請期待!我設計的T恤 “Explore Taiwan,” “Fatherhood,” 和 “Always Be Ready” 也還有貨,都可以在這裡買得到:www.metsalife.com,謝謝您的支持!
Christy and I have been trying our best to train up our 7 daughters in the way that they should go. One aspect of this training has been to teach our girls how to whip up healthy and delicious meals. Basic cooking skills will be a blessing not only to themselves and our family, but to their future families, friends, and others who sit at their table for a home-cooked meal, refreshing afternoon tea, or delicious snack.
Christy has been a wonderful encouragement and guide in the kitchen, and helped our daughters learn the basics of food preparation, how to combine different ingredients, temperatures, timing, keeping the kitchen clean, knife skills, and safety when dealing with fire, boiling water, steam, etc.
We rotate who is responsible for each meal depending on their ages, the seasons, and when we think one would benefit from taking over someone else’s responsibility. Even though this means that the quality of cooking may be inconsistent at times, as long as there is love in the home, and everyone is grateful for our daily sustenance, then we eat together with joyful hearts.
There’s a lot of action in a Taiwanese kitchen. Please join us for this action-packed video and see who is responsible for each meal in our home!
May the Lord bless you and your home, and may it be filled with peace, joy, and love!
🏪 有興趣的人,可以到我們的網站看我們最新的產品:www.metsalife.com 謝謝你的支持!
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