
1000+ Subscribers -- Wow.

23419 981________

It's time to give credit where credit's due!
First off, I'd like to thank TimTom for having me as a guest on this Animation Revolution livestream -- you can find his channel AND the full stream right here:
Tim's Channel:    / @timtom  
Animation Revolution Livestream:    • Video  

Second, I'd like to thank Pantless Pajama for the insane inspiration to make this video, her channel can be found here:    / @pantslesspajamas  

And thirdly, I'd like to give a huge shoutout to all the people that Tim had on his livestream, their channels are here in order in which they appeared in this video:
Kourpic:    / channel  
Oh SO Annoying/ Pancake:    / @ohsoannoying  
Danny Doodles:    / @dannydoodles  
Sky's the Limit:    / channel  
Froyo Head Animation:    / @froyohead  
LorenMakesArt:    / @lorenmakesart  
Peachella:    / @peachella  
TheFuzzyPickle:    / @thefuzzypickle  
Laddi:    / @theladdi  

If you want to support this channel, consider spreading this video around social media or Discord -- it'd sure help a lot! =D
Thanks for watching!
