Sharing Secrets: Obstacles and Solutions to International Intelligence Sharing
Newly recruited intelligence officers are taught that there are no friendly intelligence agencies, only intelligence agencies of friendly countries. This old adage still rings true, yet intelligence sharing between these unfriendly agencies is more important and more developed today than ever. Whether it's about fighting terrorism or WMD proliferation, intelligence agencies are sharing information and cooperating to an unprecedented degree. How effective is this cooperation? What can promote it and increase it? Where does it stop?
New America is pleased to welcome our keynote speaker Gen. (ret.) Michael Hayden, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and of the National Security Agency; as well as Dr. David Gioe, a former FBI and CIA officer now Assistant Professor at West Point and an expert on the special intelligence relationship between the US and the UK; and Dr. James Walsh, Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina and author of The International Politics of Intelligence Sharing.
Follow the conversation online using #IntelSharing and following @NatSecNAF.
General Michael Hayden
Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency
Professor James Walsh
Professor of Political Science, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Author, The International Politics of Intelligence Sharing
Professor David Gioe
Assistant Professor of History, West Point
Former Officer, CIA and FBI
Moderator: Matteo Faini
Fellow, International Security Program, New America