
DIY Kawaii Dress - How to Restyle Your Clothes to Lolita Dress-Lolita Fashion

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Link of base part of lolita dress:
   • Video  

Or you could use this method:
Sewing note of first part of the dress, start at 0:08
   • DIY-Sew a cute cupcake Lolita Jumper ...  

The first part of the dress:
   • How to Sew Sweet Lolita Dress for Beg...  

Easy/fast way to sew ruffles(2 types) on a skirt/dress without gathering and using ruffle foot
   • Easy/fast way to sew ruffles(2 types)...  

How to Make Lolita Bow:
   • DIY Easy Hair Bow  | Lolita Headbow  
Background music: Hello, how are you(Piano)

Website: designsbyyumi.com
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