
The day I nearly died… Unconscious in the water. Ep. 123

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Ohhhh dear. Well I wasn't expecting to have to glue up my boyfriends cracked head with my friend Josje onboard, 50nm away from land. It definitely could have been worse. It goes to show how quickly things could go wrong and it doesn't even necessarily have to be from something super risky or adventurous. We've swam off the back of the boat COUNTLESS times (and will continue to do so, but next time butts will be shuffled just that little bit further off the back before sliding in 😂). I'm just glad you're okay Riles. Thanks to Josje for being a legend and helping me mend this silly humans head.
Checkout Josjes channel!:    / @josjeleyten369  
And the lovely Fridas website: www.fallondrin.com/
Frida's YouTube channel:    / @fallondrin  

Song Credits:
00:00 Dante Matas - Not a Moment Too Soon - www.facebook.com/dantematasmusic
02:22 Like a Dream - Chelou - chelou.bandcamp.com/
05:28 Liam Wright - Land, Sea - www.liamwrightmusic.com.au/
09:17 Bird - Get Go Getter - www.getgogetter.bandcamp.com/releases
13:35 Castaway - Liam Wright - www.liamwrightmusic.com.au/

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