You're Buying Fake Olive Oil...Here's How To Avoid It!
The majority of extra virgin olive oil on the grocery store is fake! That means the oil rancid, cut with cheaper oils, and does not meet the requirements to be extra virgin olive oil. Stick with single origin extra virgin olive oil from a trusted source, I would only buy a handful of olive oil brands to cook with, most of them are talked about in this video. Hope you find this helpful!
Immune Tea pre-sale list: forms.gle/s6jt872Sz18bJzKXA
Cooking EVOO:
California olive ranch: amzn.to/2S6txd3
Lucini: amzn.to/3crbKX6
Finishing EVOO:
Spanish single estate(great price): shop.casasdehualdo.com/
Keto wine: shop.seccowineclub.com/?Coupon=FLAVCITY10
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