
Trello Clone with React Native: Drag & Drop, Sorting, Animations

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This is the second part of our Trello Clone series, and in this video we're focusing on adding advanced features to our app, like Drag & Drop, animations and sorting. We'll go step by step into implementing dynamic animations using Reanimated and Gesture Handler that will make our local first app feel smooth and responsive, just like the real Trello! Let’s get to building 🚀

1️⃣ Watch the first part here: https://youtube.com/live/WiXs0JbA3_k

✅ Project Page: https://www.notjust.dev/projects/trello
💻 Source Code: https://github.com/notJust-dev/Trello...

⚛️ React Native Mastery is the ONLY course you need to master mobile development with React Native & Expo 🚀
Enroll here: https://www.notjust.dev/react-native-...

📚 This video includes a lot of tools and technologies, providing an excellent opportunity to learn about:
Enhancing UI/UX with Animations
Animations using Reanimated and Gesture Handler
Implementing Drag & Drop Functionality for Boards and Cards
Sorting data in a Flatlist
Integrating Advanced Features with Realm
Debugging Common Issues with Interactive Elements
Future Updates and Feature Additions

💡 Have an idea for a future tutorial? Share it on our Idea Board: https://github.com/orgs/notJust-dev/d...

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0:00 Intro and Project Overview
3:14 Starting the Expo Project
4:29 Updating the Schema; Position field and Sorting
22:14 Implementing a Basic Drag & Drop function
1:04:31 Selecting the dragging item
1:25:25 Debugging the Animation, Setting Initial Drag Position
1:42:41 Moving items around when Draging
2:20:21 Reordering Items on Drag
3:16:04 Fixing Jumps on Item Drag
3:31:18 Implementing a Scrollable List
3:45:23 Outro

Disclaimer: This build is for educational purposes only. All views, opinions, and technology choices expressed in this video are my own and do not represent the views, opinions, or technology choices of any entity I have been, am now, or will be affiliated with.
#notjustdev #trello #reactnative
