
Why Home Loans Aren’t Flying Anymore | The Daily Brief #164

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In today's episode of The Daily Brief, we cover 2 major stories shaping the Indian economy and global markets:

1. Housing Finance Slowdown: Is the Best Behind Us?
The Q3 FY25 results reveal a slowing housing finance sector, with shrinking margins and rising borrowing costs. While big players like Bajaj Housing Finance and LIC Housing Finance navigate these challenges with new strategies, smaller HFCs are struggling. Loan growth is slowing, NPAs are stabilizing, and the sector faces pressure from higher funding costs.

2. The Power of Remittances: Sending Money Home
Migrant workers play a crucial role in global wealth transfer by sending money home, supporting families, and boosting economies. Despite its impact, remittances often go unnoticed compared to foreign aid or loans. A new report highlights how this decentralized flow of money bridges economic disparities worldwide.

00:00 Stories Coming Up!
00:22 Intro
00:38 Is the best of Housing Finance behind us?
10:24 The importance of sending money home
15:42 Tidbits

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Watch this episode in Hindi on ‪@marketsbyzerodhahindi‬ :    • Home Loans Thande Pad Rahe Hain? | Th...  

Watch this episode in Kannada on ‪@marketsbyzerodhakannada‬ :    • A Slowdown in Home Loans – What It Me...  

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