
Animated short film - "Metamorphoses" by Aitolkyn Almenova | ARA studios presents

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Being a mother is a wonderful experience that lot’s of women dream about, but what if your child is a little different? Would you still enjoy your motherhood?
The action takes place in an anthropomorphic world where animals live like humans.

in partnership with ARA studios

Enjoy watching!

Animation and edit was made by the author.

Animators (color):
Beiskenova Balzhan
Ziyatdinova Alina

Background Artists:
Zhakiyanova Kamilya (line)
Taskara Balnur (color)

Sound Designer and Composer:
Abylaikhan Almenov

Voice Actors:
Abylaikhan Almenov
Aitolkyn Almenova

Special thanks for the money support:
Muhambetova Madina
Quanyshbekova Inzhelia
Soltanov Abylai
Amanzholova Dina

Author's links:
Instagram Aitolkyn Almenova (@wizong.art) • Фото и видео в Instagram
YT channel (3) Wizong - YouTube
