
WTH happened in 1779 | Year in Review

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Join us as we explore the major events of 1779, a year filled with pivotal battles, political shifts, and groundbreaking inventions. From the fierce Sullivan Expedition and the daring Battle of Stony Point to the tragic death of Captain James Cook and the technological advancements of the Spinning Mule and the Smethwick Engine, this year left an indelible mark on history. We’ll also delve into the global impact of the Great Siege of Gibraltar, the Siege of Savannah, and the First Anglo-Maratha War. Don’t miss this fascinating journey through one of history’s most eventful years!

#History #1779 #AmericanRevolution #CaptainCook #SpinningMule #SiegeOfSavannah #NavalBattles #IndustrialRevolution #AngloMarathaWar #HistoricalEvents #GibraltarSiege
