
3 Things I stopped doing so I could travel more affordably 👇

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3 Things I stopped doing so I could travel more affordably 👇

1. Being picky on destination and time of year. We let the deal decide the destination. If you are set on the destination and time of year you want to travel you are at the mercy of what airlines do best, which is getting you to pay more than what you should. Flexibility is key to saving money when booking your travels.

Pro Tip: Use the explore tab on google flights and use “anywhere” as the destination to find yourself the cheapest destinations from your home airport. We also use Daily Drop Pro to find the best cash deals and deals using points and miles.

Try Daily Drop Pro: pro.dailydrop.com/register?via=the-travel-coaches

1. Using a Debit Card. Using a credit card is great for some many reasons, but one of those reasons is saving money on travel. We pay for everything with our travel credit card and doing this has helped us redeem thousands of dollars in travel for free. To this day we only pay about 30 percent of airfare out of pocket because we are able to redeem our points and miles.

Pro Tip: Lot’s of travel credit cards have sign up bonuses if you reach a certain spend in the first few months which could grant you up to $1,500 dollars of free travel depending on what credit card you sign up for. This is actually how Meg and I paid $0 for our first ever international flight. )*note I would not recommend going outside of your normal spend to reach a sign up bonus or if you can not pay the bill in full.)

Our favorite travel credit cards: www.dailydrop.com/credit-cards-2?via=the-travel-co…

1. Overpacking. Believe it or not bringing a lot of stuff could actually cost you. Many airlines charge hefty fees for checked bags, and if your luggage exceeds weight limits, you’ll face additional overweight charges. Heavy bags can also make it harder to use budget-friendly public transport, forcing you to rely on pricier taxis or rideshares. If you’re traveling between destinations, you might need to pay for luggage storage or extra baggage on smaller airlines. Packing light not only avoids these costs but also saves time and stress, leaving you more freedom (and funds) for the experiences that matter most.

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