
Discovering the Northern Picts with Professor Gordon Noble

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Organized by Meredith Cutrer, the EMBI academic lecture series invites leading scholars to present to the Oxford community on their latest, groundbreaking research.

The first lecture in the 2022-2023 academic year is by Dr Gordon Noble, Professor of Archaeology at the University of Aberdeen.

In this lecture, Professor Noble discusses The Northern Picts project at Aberdeen, which is an award-winning project run by the University of Aberdeen uncovering the archaeology of Pictish society in Scotland. Winners of the 2021 Current Archaeology Research Project of the Year, the project has uncovered major new central places of the Picts including an early royal centre at Rhynie and a 16-hectare settlement at Tap o’ Noth with over 800 house platforms. This talk outlines some of the major discoveries of the project and outlines what the new findings mean for Pictish society in the period c.300-900 AD.

Oxford's Early Medieval Britain and Ireland Network is comprised of faculty, staff, and students across Oxford. We support and facilitate the research, networking, and collaboration of those at Oxford across the faculties working on any facet of British and Irish studies between AD 400 and 900.

#picts #archaeology #earlymedieval #postroman #ironage #scottishhistory #scotland #britishhistory #romanfrontier
