Here are 22 delicious Fukuoka and Hakata gourmet dishes!
When you go sightseeing in Fukuoka, are you wondering what kind of food to eat?
If that's the case, you can't go wrong by going to the restaurants in this video!
We also introduce food tours of Dazaifu, Fukuoka, so be sure to check them out!
▼The BREAKFAST HOTEL Click here to make a reservation for Fukuoka Tenjin
・Rakuten Travel
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・Hurley's wife
▼If you have any questions about gourmet or travel PR or are having trouble attracting customers online, please contact us via gmail or Instagram DM
▼Table of contents
0:00 Benefits of watching "22 Fukuoka Gourmet Selections"
0:58 Eating around Dazaifu
9:35 Hakata Station/Tenjin Gourmet
▼Recommended search method
It's recommended to type "Hurley Place" into the YouTube search box to make it easier to find!
Example: "Hurley Ginza" "Hurley Shinjuku"
#FukuokaGourmet #HakataGourmet #FukuokaTrip
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