
The Secret 'Anointing' That Makes You More Successful

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Today we continue in 1 Samuel chapter 3, where we see God was about to do something new in Israel, and He chose to reveal it to the young Samuel, who would proclaim God's message to His people for years to come.

#ShabbatSchool #TheAnointing #WhatAmIAnointedToDo

What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

✅ If you're tired of spinning your wheels trying to find direction.

✅ If you're ready to accomplish what you've been fearful to.

✅ If you're ready for a challenging adventure in discovery.

✅ If you're ready for a rewarding mindset shift and a life transformation, then this series is for you.

Are you ready to discover your purpose?

✏️ I developed this journey to challenge your inner most fears, release you from negative thinking and unlock and release your true potential.

✍️ Ready to renew your mind and change it all?

🏁 Start you transformation journey today:

Signup here: baingram.ac-page.com/signup-7-day-personal-transfo…

Living and Operating in Employed Faith (Kindle & Paperback)

The Purpose is in The Process (Kindle & Paperback)
NEW Book Coming Soon!

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Spiritual questions | drb@baingram-ministries.us

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