
Everyday Easy Moist Dark Chocolate Ganache Cake : 다크초콜릿 가나슈 케이크 : 黑巧克力甘纳许蛋糕 | No Mixer required!

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For more detailed recipe, please refer on the down below :

Chocolate cake
Makes one 7" cake
Ingredients :

Flour 125g
Sugar 175g
Cocoa powder 38g
Baking powder 3/4 tsp
Baking soda 3/4 tsp
Salt 1/2 tsp
Oil 48g
Eggs 2
Milk 125g
Vanilla Extract 1 tsp
Hot water 125g


1. Mix all sifted dry ingredient together in a large bowl.
2. Add in the wet ingredients, starting with the sunflower oil, eggs, milk and vanilla extract.
3. Lastly, mix in the hot water. Pour into 7" cake pan
4. Bake in 170c preheated oven for 40~45minutes or until well done.

Chocolate ganache
Ingredients :

150g couverture chocolate ( I'm using 70% dark)
225g dairy whipping cream
25g butter

Method :

1. Combine together both chocolate and whipping cream together.
2. Melt chocolate in the microwave for 2~4 minutes while stirring in between the time.
3. Once chocolate is fully dissolve, stir well and add in the butter.
4. Cling wrap the chocolate ganache and refrigerate for 2~4 hours.

초콜릿 케이크

박력분 125g
설탕 175g
코코아파우더 38g
베이킹파우더 3/4티스푼
베이킹 소다 3/4티스푼
소금 1/2티스푼
해바라기 유 48g
계란 2개
우유 125g
바닐라 추출물 1/2 티스푼
뜨거운 물 125g

다크초콜릿 가나슈

생크림 225g
다코초콜릿 70% 150g
버터 25g


面粉 125g
可可粉 38g
糖 175g
发酵粉 3/4 茶匙
小苏打 3/4 茶匙
盐 半茶匙
葵花籽油 48g
鸡蛋 2粒
牛奶 125g
热水 125g


奶油 225g
黑巧克力 70%150g
牛油 25g

Thank you for watching~
시청해주셔서 감사합니다~♥

Music : Walk
Musician : @iksonmusic

Music : Feeling fine
Musician : Uncleboris
Url: icons8.com/music/

Music : Aero
Musician : Gabriel
Url: icons8.com/music/
