
How To Fix Neck Pain | Simple Solutions for Neck Pain Relief

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Most neck pain has one root cause. When that underlying cause is understood and addressed then a lasting solution can usually be found.

In this video Dr. Brant Pedersen (DC) shares how he approaches stubborn neck pain. He will discuss how fixing neck pain begins with addressing the foundation of the neck, the upper back. This is critical because any treatment to bring neck pain relief, without first looking at the thoracic spine, can lead to frustrating results.

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Links for products noted in this video (affiliate link):
Trigger Point Ball: amzn.to/49Jx5rr
CLX Exercise Band: amzn.to/3wph1wA
Foam Roller: amzn.to/42OapnE

00:00 Introduction
00:31 Classic Neck Pain Case Example
03:48 Cause #1 - Addressing Thoracic Spine as the Foundation of the Neck
06:36 Cause #2 - Balancing Out Muscle
07:49 Upper Crossed Syndrome as a Cause of Neck Pain
12:17 Exercise #1 - Trigger Point Ball Massage at Pectoralis Muscles
15:48 Exercise #2 - Brugger's Exercise with CLX Band
18:21 Exercise #3 - Static Thoracic Spine Extensions over a Foam Roller
22:05 Exercise #3 Alternative - Egoscue Static Back Exercise
23:02 Exercise #4 - Supine Deep Neck Flexor Strengthening
25:58 How We Address Difficult Neck Pain Cases
28:17 Postural Analysis
29:16 Ergonomic Evaluation and Recommendations
30:15 Balancing Out Inhibited Muscles, Myofascial Adhesions, Muscle Weakness
34:32 Chiropractic Adjustments for Neck Pain Relief
35:07 Activator Adjustments for Neck Pain Relief
35:45 How To Assess for Cervical Spine Instability

Next Dr. Pedersen will talk through a classic case of neck pain and the solutions that helped a middle-aged man relieve his neck pain and get back to exercising and playing with his kids.

Exercise #1 uses a trigger point ball to massage the pectoralis muscles. Exercise #2 is Brugger's exercise with a CLX Theraband to help tone all the upper body extensor muscles. Exercise #3 involves doing thoracic spine extensions over a foam roller to improve upper back posture and decrease Dowager's hump. Exercise #4 strengthens the deep neck flexor muscles to help decrease forward head posture and help relieve neck stiffness.

Dr. Pedersen then dives deep into the steps he takes when he sees a chronic case of neck pain. This includes discussion of neck and upper back posture and how he uses postural analysis software to uncover spinal imbalances. He then talks through ergonomics and how they are addressed to help people get rid of neck pain for good.

Then Dr. Pedersen discusses balancing out muscles. He discusses solutions for tight muscles and muscle that have myofascial adhesions with IASTM techniques like Graston (grastontechnique.com/) and Fascial Distortion Model (FDM at www.fascialdistortionmodel.com/). He also covers using applied kinesiology for muscle that are functionally inhibited, using the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) as an example. Finally he talks through solutions for muscles that are weak and how individualized strengthening exercises are critical.

Referenced Material:
Chaitow, Leon; DeLany, Judith. (2000) Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques, Volume 1: The Upper Body, Volume 1. Churchill Livingstone.

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About Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP

Dr. Brant is a sports chiropractor who founded Positive Motion Chiropractic in northern California (Los Gatos). He specializes in finding rapid and lasting solutions to muscle and joint pain issues.

👋🏼 Connect with Dr. Brant Pedersen, DC, CCSP
Web: www.positivemotionhealth.com/
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LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drbrantpedersen/

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is created and published for informational and demonstration purposes only. It is not medical advice or a treatment plan. This video features a sample case for educational purposes only. Individual results will vary, and the information provided does not guarantee similar outcomes. Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. In some cases exercise may be inappropriate. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don't use this content to avoid going to a licensed healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Positive Motion Chiropractic makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call emergency services (911 in the USA) or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. Use of this content is at your sole ri
