Red-vented bulbul bird sound/voice/song #redventedbulbul
The Indian Red-vented Bulbul, also known as *Pycnonotus cafer**, is known by several other names. In English, it is sometimes referred to as the **Common Bulbul**³. In Tamil, it is known as **சின்னான்**². In Hindi, it is called **कालासिर बुलबुल* or *गुल्दुम**⁵..The Red-vented Bulbul has a wide range of calls. The usual calls are a **2-3 syllable whistle* that can be transcribed as *pee-plo**, **pee-pee-plo* or **'ginger-beer'**³. It also produces a harsh double croak that can be transcribed as **cark-cark**³. In addition to these, it makes a number of sharp single note calls likened as **pick**⁴. The bird also has loud scolding or chattering alarm calls that are usually responded to and heeded by many other species of bird⁴.
#nature #redventedbulbul #birdsofindia #bulbulsinging #bulbulsound