What it’s REALLY like to work for the Civil Service (FULL REVIEW)
i made a video at the start of the summer talking about how i initially got involved with the civil service, the application process and that i was going to be working for them over the summer. now that i’ve finished i wanted to talk about what it’s actually like to work there. all the highs, the lows, the amazing opportunities, the people. i hope this is helpful and provides some insight into the civil service. any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. until next week…
my other civil service content:
Assessment Centre + interview with a Diplomat: • Civil Service Fast Stream Advice (+in...
Getting a job at the Civil Service: • Working for the Civil Service...
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Uni Vlogs Playlist: • York Uni Vlogs
Songs I’ve Been Loving This Week:
1. Don’t call me Angel by Ariana Grande, Miles Cyrus and Lana Del Rey [bop]
Music Creds:
1. Jean Jacket by Other Brother
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