
10 signs you have a magnetic personality

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You have a strong intimidating personality |10 signs you are hard to read
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Hallo powerful galactic beings, welcome back to another video. What does it mean to be an intimidating person? It is someone who makes others feel timid or frightened. Such people can be perceived as confrontational, off-putting, authoritative, and even aggressive. However, it is not always who they really are – more often than not, people who look intimidating are just blunt. Some people are like open books. You know immediately what they are thinking by just looking at them. Have you felt that your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and close family members are baffled by your personality? You are left wondering what exactly did you do or say that makes them step back. Even if you don’t realize it, your strong personality makes people nervous and uncomfortable around you. Let me share with you the reasons why people tend to be intimidated by you and what you can do about it. Is it a running joke that your friends found you intimidating before they got to know you? You might be intimidating people more than you realize. An intimidating personality is not inherently a bad thing. It’s not that you are meaning to be aggressive, some people just find certain traits more daunting than others. Maybe it’s that you really know what you want, or you don’t have the patience for nonsense. What bothers you might leave others feeling a little jaded and could be harming your professional and personal relationships. There are a number of things about you that might make people take a step back. And they aren’t what you might think. Your unique and strong personality may be intimidating people. Having an intimidating personality has nothing to do with you, but everything to do with how people perceive you.

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