How Old Believers live in Russia Today. Life in remote Russian Village. 2024
How Old Believers live in Russia Today. Life in remote Russian Village. 2024
Old Believers, or Old Believers, are one of the most distinctive and conservative religious communities in Russia. The roots of their faith go back to the 17th century, when followers of the Old Rite refused to accept the church reforms. This resistance led to a schism in the Russian Orthodox Church and the emergence of an independent religious movement that has preserved its traditions and customs to this day.
Today, Old Believers continue to live in various regions of Russia, including such large cities as Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in remote villages and settlements, especially in Siberia and the Russian North. Outwardly, their way of life may seem archaic, but inside the communities there is an active life, full of faith, work and the desire to preserve cultural heritage.
One of the features of Old Believer communities is a strict way of life and high moral discipline. The life of an Old Believer is built on the principles of hard work, honesty and mutual assistance. It is important to note that many Old Believers continue to work in traditional crafts such as pottery, weaving, blacksmithing and icon painting. Some Old Believer families create entire artels where they skillfully produce products, preserving the secrets of craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation.
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