【新ボイス発表】かなた建設へ ようこそ!
The Kanata Construction voice drama is finally here!
From the starting up, to the company retreat, and what's more? Of course, an ASMR voice pack!
The ASMR voice pack, recorded in an actual company retreat, makes you feel like you're actually there with them✨
Featuring individual voice packs of the "Newbie Training Arc," you're bound for a whole lot of work and fun with these girls!
Please share with us your thoughts about these voice packs under the hashtag "#ホロライブかなた建設ボイス" and "#かなけんボイス旅".
🔽Take a look at what KanaKen has been up to during their company-wide retreat!
• 【温泉あり】念願!かなけん社員旅行 in 伊豆【#かなけんボイス旅 】
<Date of Sale>
Sales start on November 12th, 2024, 5:30 p.m. (JST) at the hololive production OFFICIAL SHOP!
▷ [English Page] shop.hololivepro.com/en/produ...
▷ [Japanese Page] shop.hololivepro.com/products...
<Recording time>
・Voice Drama "KanaKen! Starting the Business Comes with a Huge Turmoil!" Approx. 25 minutes
・Voice Drama "You're Coming Along? Company Retreat!" Approx. 25 minutes
・ASMR Voice Pack "A Comfy Warm Footbath" Approx. 7 minutes
・ASMR Voice Pack "A Good Night's Rest at the Inn? Heart-Thumping? Episode" Approx. 10 minutes
・Situational voice pack "Newbie Training" Approx. 4-5 minutes
【AZKi】 youtube.com/@AZKi
【Amane Kanata】 youtube.com/@AmaneKanata
【Sakamata Chloe】 youtube.com/@SakamataChloe
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▷ Streaming Schedule: schedule.hololive.tv/
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Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video