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Thank you for watching the video!
We are a married couple of Japanese illustrators.
We create all kinds of art challenges and stories!

A playlist of our recommended videos.
   • 【超オススメ】絵描き夫婦のお絵描きチャレンジ企画まとめ!【更新順】  

List of SNS.
Twitter twitter.com/natsume_sanchi
Instagram www.instagram.com/natsume.sanchi
TikTok www.tiktok.com/@natsume_sanchi

Membership registration.

This is the channel where we broadcast gameplay.
   / @なつめさんちのゲーム実況  

If you have difficulty seeing the subtitles in the video, please refer to the video below to change the subtitle settings.
■ Changing subtitle settings
   • 動画の字幕を見やすくする方法 / どうがのじまくをみやすくするほうほう  
